Thursday, February 19, 2015

Carbon Footprint

Link to Carbon Footprint Calculator


In your notebook:
1. List the 5 different categories in which we create carbon dioxide.
2. List two different reductions that you, your household, our class, and LHS can make in order to reduce our carbon footprint. 
3. Record your carbon footprint (in tonnes of carbon dioxide), and the number of Earth's you use. 
4. Answer the Analysis Questions.

Analysis Questions:

(Once you have completed the entire calculation)
1. What do you think it means by the "Total number of Earth's used"?
2. Look at the comparison between boys and girls, which footprint is greater? Why do you think this is so?
3. Search for another country. Is the carbon footprint of this country more or less than the US? Why do you think this is so?

Monday, January 26, 2015

Public Service Announcement

Environmental Science Disaster Topics

Link to some information of some of these topics.

Environmental Science PSA Assignment

Public Service Announcement

For this assignment, you will brainstorm ideas, come up with a concept, write, plan, and present a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that focuses on an environmental disaster and a solution to the problem. You will work in groups of 2 to complete your PSA. Use the guidelines below to begin to conceptualize a 60-second spot.

Media messages are fleeting. One compelling central message, clearly presented with a simple call to action, is the most effective way to get your point across.

Answer the following questions to begin:
1. Target Audience: Who do I want to reach with my message?

2. Message: What is my message? What do I want the viewer to understand?
3. Action Step: What is the call to action? What do I want the viewer to do? How can the viewer help solve the problem?
4. Significance of Issue to the Public: Why is this issue important to the public?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Energy Mini-Presentation

Energy Basics - (You can find the percent of U.S. energy consumption)

All Energy Sources

Non-Renewable Sources
Oil (Petroleum)
Natural Gas
Nuclear (Scroll down to page 5)

More Coal Information

More Nuclear
More Fossil Fuels

Renewable Source

More Geothermal
More Hydropower
More Solar
More Renewable Sources (scroll through powerpoint to find your source)

Tons of resources here at this website

Monday, December 15, 2014

Ecology Review Questions

Use the food web to the right to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the producer in this environment?
  2. What are the tertiary consumers?
  3. Give two examples of competition in this food web.
  4. Identify the omnivore in this food web.
  5. Identify the decomposer in this food web.
  6. Which animals are herbivores?
  7. Give an example of a predator-prey relationship.
  8. If the grasshopper population decrease, what will be the effect on the populations of grass, frogs, and beetles?
  9. Name two biotic and two abiotic factors that affect this food web.
  10. How many hawks can be supported by 25,000 grasshoppers?



Use the graph of the carrying capacity of deer to the right to answer the following questions.

  1. What is the carrying capacity of this ecosystem?
  2. What happened in 1850 to make the deer population drop so rapidly?
  3. What happened in 1900 to make the deer population grow so much?

Use the scenario below to answer questions 14 – 16.

There was a large wildfire that destroyed large fields of grasses and shrubs in this ecosystem.

  1. How would this effect the carrying capacity of this ecosystem?
  2. What would happen to the population of deer?
  3. Wolves are predators of the deer what do you think would happen to the wolf population following this wildfire?


Use the scenario below to answer questions 17-20.

A new species of rabbit is introduced to the area and its population begins to grow rapidly. The rabbits eat the same food as the deer.

  1. What is the ecological relationship between the rabbits and the deer?
  2. Will the deer population increase or decrease? Explain.
  3. Will the wolf population increase or decrease? Explain.
  4. The rabbit population grows and grows and then suddenly drops a great amount, give a reason for what might have occurred?